Meditations on Calvary

Book cover of Were You There When They Crucified Our Lord?

To help make your Lent and Holy Week devotional time more meaningful this year, I invite you to listen to my narration of Were You There When They Crucified Our Lord? Meditations on Calvary, which will be posted on this page through Easter Sunday. Each chapter of this book focuses on a particular group or individuals who were present (or conspicuous by their absence) when Jesus of Nazareth was arrested and crucified. Book details

The following excerpts omit the Preface, the discussion questions, and some of the songs. If you’re following along in the book, you may wish to pause the recordings at appropriate points to consider the discussion questions and sing the songs I left out. (If you don’t have the book, you can download the Kindle edition instantly.) But you’re also welcome to simply enjoy listening to the audio narration.

EDIT: April 5, 2021
Easter Sunday has come and gone, and so has my posting of the chapter narrations.

I hope my meditations drew you closer to the crucified Jesus by inspiring you to put yourself in the place of those who were there on Calvary.


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